2023 Alberta Kendo Provincials
What a great day September 30th, 2023 was in Sylvan Lake, Alberta. Alberta Kendo was hosting the provincial tournament. There were so many new and young members showing up boding well for Kendo’s growth in popularity in our province. The competitions were fierce with many going to extra time. Here are a few of the shots I took.
From an equipment perspective I went with the OMDS OM-1, Olympus E-M5iii for camera bodies and used mostly Olympus 40-150mm F2.8 with the OM-1 but also had the Olympus 45mm F1.2 on the EM5iii.
Unfortunately the lenses I had on were to zoomed to get a shot of the entire group as I was stuck behind a mirage of parents and spectators.
The OM-1 is rather new to me and I was thinking the ProCapture at 50fps with 40 frames in the buffer was a great idea to not miss any shots. I learned that lesson the hard way. In only a few hours I was able to take nearly 11,000 shots in raw. Of which I spent 6 hours culling the next day. Some lessons are best learnt the hard way and I won't be making that mistake again.
The following images are mostly taken at 1/1000 of a second and therefore had high ISO due to the poor indoor lighting and were first processed in DXO Pure Raw to reduce the noise and reclaim some detail.